Gardiner Trail Alliance is able to achieve our goals through the generous donations of many. These donations come in the form of volunteer time, materials and monetary means. Every little bit helps. We appreciate all of our donors.

Make a monetary donation

If you would like to mail a check please make it out to

Gardiner Trail Alliance
and mail it to
Gardiner Trail Alliance
P.O. Box 307
Gardiner, NY 12525

Note: Gardiner Trail Alliance is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.
Your donation is likely tax deductible.

If you prefer to donate by Credit Card or other bank methods through PayPal click the button below or scan the QR code from your mobile device

Make a material donation

Our material needs vary by project. Please reach out to to get a list of the latest needs or see if your available materials can be of use to us.

Volunteer time donation

It takes a small army to achieve our goals. As an all volunteer organization we have tasks that range from out building the trails, to running the board to writing grants. If you have a skill and/or time to share we would love to hear from you. Please email for more info.