Dedicated Parking Ribbon Cutting
We did it! Dedicated Parking is open!
Dedicated parking for access to Riverbend Trails at Gardiner Park is officially open. Upon completion of the connector trail we were able to gather to celebrate with an official Ribbon Cutting.
Check out the Hudson Valley One Press Coverage highlighting this special day.
We are thankful to all of the following for their support in making this happen.
Town of Gardiner Supervisor Marybeth Majestic
Town of Gardiner Board Members
Town of Gardiner Parks and Recreation
Town of Gardiner Highway Department
P E Colucci
Hudson Valley Trailworks
Gardiner Trail Alliance Volunteers
The community of trail users and supporters
One housekeeping note to mention. Now that we have dedicated parking and a connector trail we ask that you refrain from entering any of the paved Transfer Station areas while using the trails.