Dedicated Parking Ribbon Cutting
Riverbend Trails dedicated parking is open.
We did it! Dedicated Parking is open!
Dedicated parking for access to Riverbend Trails at Gardiner Park is officially open. Upon completion of the connector trail we were able to gather to celebrate with an official Ribbon Cutting.
Check out the Hudson Valley One Press Coverage highlighting this special day.
We are thankful to all of the following for their support in making this happen.
Town of Gardiner Supervisor Marybeth Majestic
Town of Gardiner Board Members
Town of Gardiner Parks and Recreation
Town of Gardiner Highway Department
P E Colucci
Hudson Valley Trailworks
Gardiner Trail Alliance Volunteers
The community of trail users and supporters
One housekeeping note to mention. Now that we have dedicated parking and a connector trail we ask that you refrain from entering any of the paved Transfer Station areas while using the trails.
Progress on connector trail
Progress on connector trail
Thank you to our volunteers who came out to help build the new parking lot connector trail. Many hands made quick work of moving tons of material. This is an important milestone for Riverbend Trails. Thanks as well to the Town of Gardiner Highway Department for building the new lot and feeding us material to build the connector trail. After another quick round of work the trail and lot should be ready for use.
Dedicated parking is happening!
Dedicated parking is happening
We are very excited to share an update on the largest ask of the team since starting Riverbend Trails at Gardiner Park. How can we extend the hours of availability? When we started we knew parking would be limited to the hours that the Transfer Station was open. This was an acceptable trade off. We had to start somewhere and prove the viability of the project and the desire for people to use the trails. Over time, thanks to the efforts of many volunteers and partners at the Town of Gardiner, we got the trails in great shape. Word spread and usage increased. We even held an amazing Dump Run 5k/10k at Riverbend Trails. If you build it they will come. Well we built it and people came. People started to ask for more access. It was time to find a solution to meet the need.
After some quick rounds of brainstorming, site visits and discussions with the Town of Gardiner Town Board, Town of Gardiner Parks and Rec and Town of Gardiner Highway Department we had a plan. The Highway Department used a slowdown in snow removal needs to clear and build a new parking lot.The location being at the end of the T of Steve’s Lane just to the side of the Transfer Station gate. Building the lot was a very heavy lift that we are tremendously thankful to the Highway Department team and P E Colucci Excavating. Upon completion of the new lot it was time to build a new connector trail to get to the main trail kiosk. Thanks to the efforts of a small army of volunteers we are happy to say that is well underway. Completion should be weeks away allowing the lot to officially open. Once open Riverbend Trails will be accessible dawn to dusk seven days a week! Stay tuned for the new parking openning announcement.
We are very thankful to all the trail users, supporters, volunteers and partners. You all make it clear this is a worthwhile effort.
Winter Trail Work Session 2
Second work session of the winter a success!
Please help extend a huge thanks to the 18 Gardiner Trail Alliance volunteers who came out to help on the trails for our second work session of the winter. We solved another troublesome spot on the Deer Run Trail by installing culverts and building numerous turnpikes before and after. We plan on making use of our spring like conditions to keep working on the trails. Make sure you sign up via the Show Interest Form to hear about the next volunteer work sessions in April.